Keeping Up with Sustainability Requirements through Seamless Data Integration

Case Study

Case Study Highlights

Navigating an Evolving ESG Regulatory Landscape

Ongoing changes to ESG regulations and investor demand expand fund reporting requirements

Integrating ESG into the Investment Process

Portfolio data and ESG information integration is rising in importance now more than ever

Managing ESG Data Volumes

Variance in data sources and datasets necessitate robust governance and management

A market use case on how Arcesium’s solution cohesively integrates ESG data within investment strategies to support regulatory and investor requirements.


Volumes of multi-standard ESG datasets, emerging reporting standards, and pressure to integrate sustainability into investment strategies fuel the need for resources and tools to navigate the evolving investment management sustainability landscape.


Purpose-built and with seamless connectivity to numerous ESG data sources, Arcesium’s cloud-based AquataTM and Financial Data Stack capabilities enable fund managers to integrate and report on sustainability efforts and contribution. Customizing data models and configuring data quality checks to fit each firm’s unique needs enhances governance of incoming data. The combination of ESG metrics from multiple providers with investment and portfolio data enables firms to focus on deriving sustainable investment products and also fulfill regulatory obligations.


Incorporating a steady stream of updated ESG scores and metrics drives sustainability readiness for investment firms that skillfully manage ESG data acquisition, transformation, and consolidation. With sophisticated solutions to marry ESG data with portfolio information, financial institutions can develop offerings that meet certain ESG parameters in line with client expectations, and that offers investor transparency, while still pursuing desired financial returns.

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